It finally feels like a real building!
However.. it is not complete. Not even very close. It's one of those prjects that is never, ever finished.
After we finish the trimming and install the other canvas, we still have to:
-fix the flashing and gutter so the building doesn't leak.
-weatherproof wood deck
-possibly build a 20' deck extension with another 8' roof overhang
-if not the suuuuper long deck, at least a 4' deck on the back (which would be really super easy because the structure is already there)
-install solar panel
-install LED lighting
-Bath house
-tighten up the deck
-clean up landscaping
-get all party plans in order
However, I'm very excited about what we've accomplished and what's next. The bathhouse should be a pretty fun project, and I've claimed the interior as my pet project. Blake is more hesitant.
Yesterday we went to the Salvage yard to pick up material for the bath house, and walked away with both the foundation structure and the design in mind. The place was haunting and beautiful... not sure whether to feel all the joy and hope of a kid in a candy shop (look at all this cool stuff!!!) or despair and hopelessness of looking on the expansive waste and ruin of civilization. At the very least, it provided a fun place to photograph.
There are many more on my picassa album.
The salvage yard
Looking for inspiration
Funny face
Starting to install the canvas back at the land
Painting by candle light
Installing the canvas
Sometimes it takes a little effort
The workers, taking a break after framing the canvas