+ Born into Brothels : excellent doc on children of prostitutes in the Calcutta(?) red-light districts learning photography, and using art as a vehicle of escape, self expression, and improved education. I liked it.
+ The Bothersome Man : A man (assumed dead?) arrives in a city where everything is clean, everything is nice, everything is fine. Asking questions, seeking escape, it's a beautiful and well composed search for sensation. I really liked it.
+ Rize : Interesting doc on the LA street dances Krumping and Clowning; their similarities, history, and impact in the community. It made me want to learn to krump.
Next up: 2 or 3 Things I Know About Her, The Artist, and The Diving Bell and the Butterfly.
And possibly: Broken Flowers, Brazil, and maybe Cabaret
It's fall, so I went for a walk in the woods near my house.
Others from the album
+ Herbed pizza with chard and mozz
+ Green lentils with zuke and parm
+ Roast potatoes with butter and thyme
+ Veg lasagne with carrot and zuke
+ Tomato soup with rosemary and herbed croutons
+ Linguine with roasted peppers and leek (Katrina's doing)