After several more weeks of developing the ‘basics’ of form finding and fabric manipulation, we had a small crit with Prof. Sobek and intense desk crits with Timo and Kerstin. I developed a few fabric folding patterns that respond to force in different ways. After a few good nights of sleep, I could again value the work I had done (hehe) and made up a ‘material matrix’ of sorts to help organize the more promising studies I had done and the sort of application they would be best suited to.
However, we are now in the conceptual phases for studio: the “easy” part, if you will. Over the last week we have been developing ideas for the experience of our Tanztheater by analyzing the relationship between spectator, dancer, and environment.
I have been reading Birringer’s Media and Performance text to get a better understanding of contemporary dance theory and its relation to media. I’m interested in how the spatial and mediated environments of a theater can contribute to the audience’s awareness of bias and emotional response. Tanztheater is highly expressive, and calls out to every day situations and familiar struggles; by limiting, skewing, and even blurring the definition of the “performance,” I will explore what is the “point” of view.
I finally completed all of the portfolio reviews and meetings required to have my AA credits transfer. The review was so quick and casual it was almost a let down: I didn’t have to show or present any of the work I did!
I did, however, have my [rewritten] HTS paper critiqued by my theory professor and got some good feedback, as well as an interesting conversation with Tim Brown (my portfolio reviewer) about “the nature” of nature.
I also have the opportunity to propose an undergrad thesis / independent studio! After a brief conversation about my ideas, Sennott (the guy in charge of architectural academic affairs) has said he’ll support me working it out. I am even able to work on the written part (a manifesto) as the coursework for my theory course so I can focus on a built piece in the spring! I haven’t thought much yet on what the built piece would be, but I’m pretty excited about getting to sit down and do some intense research, thinking, and writing before heading into a project.
Dance101 has been going incredibly well over the last few weeks; we’ve had 50 people (evenly split!) consistently and they are really picking it up. It’s refreshing and inspiring to see so many people catching on. Noel came two weeks ago and posted a bunch of photos on his website: LindySynergy. I’ve been having daydreams about convincing the new sports manager person at Keating to let me (read: pay me) to teach a swing class. They have just started yoga, pilates, tai chi, and belly dancing classes in an attempt to broaden their offerings and bring in more ‘dancy’ activities for non-athletes. It is unlikely, but I do think I’d enjoy teaching swing dance on a more regular basis…. and for compensation. Haha!
I am headed to Texas at the end of October for a wedding, but unfortunately missing Mike’s visit to Chicago the exact same weekend. The last several weekends have been full of visitors (Justin, Yasmina, my parents) and it’s been really nice to have legitimate excuses for taking breaks. I’m really starting to enjoy this whole “sane person” schedule of 15 credit hours, fewer organizations, and more time for reading. I’ve managed to watch more movies in the last month than I have all year. I am also cooking… some times... which is a good way to shut the brain off for a few minutes each day.
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