
Ew, nature!!

I'm beginning to sense this weird disconnect of Europeans from Nature.
It is odd, for despite the beautiful rolling English country side, abundant parks and ancient forests, these people (at least these Londoners) have no sense of true Nature: the quiet, the dark, the social disconnect, and internal awakening.

I want answers.
More like... I want discussion.
I want discussion of real answers. For a future I agree with and see as possible.
I want discussion of a future of peace and happiness.
Peace and happiness is not nano-technology. It is not mile-high towers. It is not self-contained, isolated cities. It is not robot-driven, drug-induced ecstasy.
It is small. It is leafy. It is space and it is community.
So I'm a hippy? Or I'm an idealist?
But how do I begin to talk about rebuilding from waste, intense urban permaculture, or designing sanity in a place like London, where no one knows what dark, or quiet, or privacy is?

"There is nothing. It is like... completely out there."
"It was so dark, I had to use a light to find my way back!" "Oh, that's scary!" "yah!"
"There was no internet! I spent 4 days trying to set it up, but I had to leave because I can't live without internet!"

I want to do something good (and leafy) and peaceful and announce:
Welcome, good people! This is the rest of the world!
and open eyes to a setting sun over miles of untouched wilderness, to torrents in oceans impossibly long, to a forest of real trees not devised by an algorithm.
How, in all of this vast goodness, could you possibly propose a future without renewal?


  1. This post inspires me. Thank you for your vision of renewal and fierce discussions of truth.

    Have you met Miller Talbot? Abilene buddy who is into permaculture and green architecture. Betcha Blake has mentioned him. He has done some hard thinking at towardsimplicity.net

  2. No I haven't met him, but I feel like I know him pretty well considering how much Blake talks about him! =)
