
This Week's Work 13

I've spent the last few days teetering on some sort of edge between school and summer, excitement and nostalgia, relaxation and stress.
All of our whitebooks and final drawings have been submitted and are coming back from the printers today. The model is done. The presentation is (nearly) done.
I've been in studio, however, with everyone and it feels like the beginning of the term again. There's work to do, but the temptation of outside is hard to overcome, and we all want to spend the afternoon shopping or sipping coffees. Go home late, maybe grab a beer, and talk about AA.
Except the conversation has changed; it's no longer about how we are so excited to be here, or how to next develop our project... it's how much we are glad to have been here, how we don't want it to end or go home... II've never had a stranger end to a semester. Instead of the abrupt stressful end to the term (a flury of long nights and hurried printing the night before), we had to have all of our things due a week in advance, giving us time to prepare ourselves and final models for the exhibition on Thursday. I've had over a week of almost no work.
But the stress is still there, partly, because we've had to organize everything and submit it. Daniel and I, having finished early, put together the Bible whitebook and ran some errands.

We've made shirts, silly signs, had a brunch outing, gone dancing. My studio friends have been wonderful, and it's really strange that in 4 days everything will have changed.

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