
Update on life

My studio crit on Wednesday was relatively good, but as all crits are made out to be far more than they are, it was a little disappointing but still helpful. Though I've been assured I spoke clearly and explained the project well, the two jurors didn't seem to understand what I was saying, and so I spent a good part of my presentation time trying to explain my narrative and background thinking.
The criticsm was good, though, and I'm ready to move on to new developments.
We all went to drinks at Bar Soho after the crit (even though it was only 4!) and I got an extremely overpriced mocktail of frothy deliciousness.

Monia helped clear a few of the more confusing comments made during tutorial yesterday, and for the first time I saw a spark of real interest in her. It's very invigorating, and I'm excited about the next few steps.
My homework is to spend the weekend in Holborn Park and thinking about fences.

Mike and I went to karaoke last night, and this morning I woke up early and sat in Regents Park, watching the herons make nests and the "Darwin squeakers" honk at one another. I don't know what kind of fowl the "Darwin Squeakers" are, but they are ugly prehistoric-looking black water fowl, with a white face and strange crooked legs. They squeak or clack their beaks at each other, and I imagine that it must have been birds like this that inspired Darwin's musings about the origins of species.

It has been a really stressful week, and I'm hoping that this weekend affords the time and space I need to catch up on sleep and relaxation and sunshiney days. I am going to do touristy things with Iain on Saturday, go to the market and have lunch with Justin on Sunday, and maybe go to a movie with Mike tonight. I will for sure go dancing on Monday; I desperately need to get out and move.

My roommate leaves on Saturday, which I'm actually kind of sad about because she's really sweet and it's been nice to have a GIRL to talk with in the mornings / at night that is not associated with the AA. She laughs at me and tells me to go to bed.

I've been trying to keep my unnecessary coffee consumption down, but it's just so tasty....

I plan on spending some time this weekend, perhaps tomorrow morning, writing letters and postcards. I have a whole stack of funny ones I've been meaning to write on!

I have a lot of thinking to do for photography; our final photos will be shot next week and I'm still not sure what I want to do for my photo.

I bought tickets for Paris! I found some REALLY cheap ones (round trip for 70 pounds!) so I'll be there for 4 days after we return from Russia. Hurrah!

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